Knot (Not) Fashion

Get it? Eh?

I’ve been trying to work on my knot tying.  You may or may not be aware of this, but knots are very important to, like, life and stuff.  Everyone should at the very least know how to tie an overhand knot.  That’s your basic preschool knot.  And tying your shoes?  Knots.  Crocheting?  A series of knots.  And what do you need if you want to tie your boat to the dock so that it doesn’t float away? That’s right. Knots.


I made these simple knot earrings using 24 gauge flexible beading wire and seed beads.  The earrings are held together at the top with a crimp bead.  It looks complicated, but the knot is actually quite easy to make.  To make things even easier, I’ve included some step by step instructions on how to tie the knot.

Step 1:  Make a loop like so:


Step 2: Make another loop on top of the first loop.  Make sure that the active end (the end that you’ve been looping with) is under the start end of your knot, like so.


Step 3:  Now here’s the fun part.  To finish the knot, we’re going to go over under over under.  Here’s a helpful diagram:

numbered strings

So, take the active end and go over string 1, under string 2, over string 3, and under string 4.  You should end up with something that looks a little like this:


And that’s it!

For the earrings, I made the knot first and added the seed beads after, but you may find it easier to string the beads first.  For my next attempt, I think that I’ll added more strands of beads and try for a matching necklace.